Does Zayndeellani have a name for its logo? Yes it does, and it also has meaning. Commonly known as "The Famous Z" is the trademark for Zayndeellani. What is the logo's name? The logo's name is "Zerracci." The logo was personally designed by the founder of Zayndeellani dating back at his age of 6. Of course, it went through a long process of changes until it was finalized to become what we all know and love today. Zerracci symbolizes greatness, consistency, bravery, inspiring, humble, and power. Sometime in 2012 a six year old boy admired the letter "Z" and chose to make it a logo. Other companies already possessed a variation of a Z logo so he thought long and hard to make it simple, sharp, and luxurious. 2022 is when Zerracci was finalized into its unique design it now possesses. Though it being just a Z, at Zayndeellani we aim to make Zerracci a symbol of inspiration. At Zayndeellani we want nothing but the best for you. We want to see you succeed, because at Zayndeellani we care!